Hi I'm Maria Davies, a 49 year old ideal weight achiever. I know all too well that dieting without support is, at best, down right difficult and let's face it, usually ineffective. Even with the best of intentions, motivation and willpower, efforts usually fall by the wayside leaving your desired goal a daydream. I've been there myself, more than once (a lot more)... until I discovered hypnotherapy.


Hypnotherapy is a well trusted and effective method to successfully manage many issues. I chose to specialise in weight loss support after experiencing the benefits for myself. In fact, so beneficial was my experience that it inspired me to become a qualified hypnotherapist and I have successfully supported many people on their weight loss journey, people just like you.


I provide personal and effective therapy which focuses on the areas where you need the most support. For example, this could be the stress and tiredness associated with trying to lose weight which act as obstacles. This leads to you giving up or entering that vicious and endless cycle of yo-yo dieting. Or, the focus could be to empower you through reframing your mindset to overcome old habits so you naturally make the right choices. In my experience of helping clients, it often turns out that overeating is a learnt coping mechanism to reduce some sort of anxiety. This is usually completely unknown to the client and the reason why dieting alone is ineffective; skilful recognition of, and working with your personal and specific obstacles is the key to your success.


My therapy is an integrative approach where I use both hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming. Both very powerful tools for personal change where we explore which negative patterns are holding you back and how to transform those negative patterns to work for you. You also learn very effective strategies that you can use to provide you with strength and empowerment...just when you need it!


Hypnotherapy is a wonderful, relaxing experience where you remain in full control at all times. We have all seen or heard of the stage acts where people resort to absurd behaviour at the click of a finger. Hypnotherapy, as a therapy, is completely different. The act of hypnotherapy replaces your unconscious thought processes, the ones that are responsible for sabotaging your relentless weight loss efforts, with positivity, strength, empowerment and the resilience that you need on your mission to realise your goal...which is to be the very best version of YOU!

Kindest regards and thank you for reading. Really looking forward to hearing from you!

Maria Davies